Sat 12th October 
LHC 3s v Westberries 3s
Let’s start with why I am writing this report – apparently I got voted DoD!  I’m assuming it was because I had to leave the match early as I was working at the Chelt Literature Festival, or because in my rush I left my trackies behind?  I’m not sure anyone spotted me almost running over a child in the car park or entering the male changing rooms – but who knows!   It could of course have been because of the nickname I was given by Josh – Sally “Perfect” Privett!!  (OK – you can all stop laughing – clearly “Jovial Juicy” Josh sees me differently to the rest of you  J)
So, are you sitting comfortably  ……………….
This week we had yet another trip down the M5 to Coombe Dingle in Bristol!  The squad of 15 arrived in the changing rooms, approximately on time and the music kicked off.  The pre-match team talk was as inspirational as always from Amy “G Meister” Godwin.  She explained that Josh had given us all nicknames on the team sheet this week, which she read out as she gave us the starting line-up.
We had Emma “Hail Storm” Halley in goal, with the impenetrable and driven defence of Jenny “Maestro” Martin, Lucy “Half Pint” Howell, Edie “Brick Wall” Blackwell, the “G Meister” and “Perfect” (newly renamed “Part-Time Perfect”!)
The mighty midfield comprised of Katie “Park Run” Charlton, Ellie “Twinkle Toes” Thompson, RAB –“Reactions, Ability, Bravery”, Caitlin “Butter Fingers” Brazier and Dani “Catch the Ball” Coughlan.
Finally, we had the flowing forward line of Victoria “Tic-in-the-Box” Hall, Eleanor “Fluid” Findlay, Holly “Talented” Tow-Stevenson and Jennifer “High Elbow” Harvey.
What a squad – what fun we had – what a fabulous 7-1 win. Yippppeeee!!!!  Holly was voted MoM for an absolute star performance.
I had no idea about the goalscorers, so asked the “G Meister” who confirmed the following: Eleanor – 3 (rather greedy!), with Jen H, Tic and Holly scoring 1 each.  For the mathematicians amongst you, you may notice that is only 6 goals (might need to hold on to that thought for a future DoD!!)  Apologies to whoever scored the other goal – I’m sure it was awesome.
At my age short term memory is poor, so there’s no chance of me remembering anything that happened on the pitch. Clearly, we were brilliant and deserved the win.
The End.
Categories: Match Reports